The training programme is designed and implemented by the Agricultural University of Athens, under the scientific supervision of a number of experienced University professors headed by Dr. E. Paplomatas, with a long-standing experience of teaching and research in Phytopathology (Plant Deceases).
The training programme titled “Experimental Farm”, offers training to groups of 25 people in the thematic areas of
1. Plant protection of industrial crops and cereals (2 groups will be trained. First group will be trained on 27-28-29 January 2020, second group will be trained 17-18-19 February 2020).
2. Applications of Smart Precision farming systems and technologies (1 group will be trained on 8-9-10 February 2020).
3. Livestock Farming and Dairy Technology (1 group will be trained on 17-18-19 February 2020).
4. Production techniques of vegetables (1 group will be trained on 29-30-31 January 2020).
5. Viticulture ( 1 group will be trained on 5-6-7 February 2020)
A Certificate of Attendance is provided at the end of the programme
Objective of the Program
The objective of the programme is to give young farmers coming from rural, suburban and urban environments the opportunityto get engaged in the thematic areas included in the training program of Experimental Farm, by training them on 5 keydisciplines with a view to contribute to the recovery of Greek economy and achieve the remobilization of these people, thus contributing to the rural development.
The aim is also to give young farmers the opportunity to be active in the field of Plant protection of industrial plants and cereals, the use of new technologies in agriculture (of smart precision farming systems), in Viticulture, in Livestock - Dairy Production and Vegetable Production Techniques.
At the same time, the program aims to strengthen the presence of Greek production both in the domestic and international markets.
Who it is for
Unemployed young individuals without experience in the management of Plant protection of industrial plants and cereals, the use of new technologies in agriculture (of smart precision farming systems), in Viticulture, in Livestock - Dairy and Vegetable Production Techniques, who have graduated from high school or hold a higher-education degree.
The curriculum for the training of Plant protection of industrial plants and cereals entails (indicatively):
The curriculum for the training of Applications of Smart Precision farming systems and technologies entails (indicatively):
Smart Farming
Controlled environment agriculture
Automation and control systems
The curriculum for the training of Viticulture entails (indicatively):
The curriculum for the training of Livestock Farming and Dairy Technology contains indicatively:
The curriculum for the training of Production techniques of vegetables contains indicatively:
Depending on the case, preparation of business plans and consulting according to product or service that is to be produced/provided by special scientists
Location Experimental Farm Kopaida, Voiotia (near Aliartos).
Duration of action
Classes are held for 3 days per course
Attendance is mandatory.
For further info
Artemis Rigou
Project Management Office (PMO) of New Farming for the New Generation
Agricultural University of Athens, 75, Iera Odos Street, Athens, 11855, tel.: 210-5294963, 210-5294964