The program leveraging its significant know-how and networking with stakeholders, organizes cutting-edge conferences in the agri-food sector.
31/1/2020: New Agriculture - New Cooperatives. Towards a new paradigm of collaboration for the new generation.
The program "New Agriculture for a New Generation" in collaboration with HELEXPO and under the auspices of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, co-organized in the framework of the 28th Agrotica (January 31, 2020), the conference "New Agriculture - New Cooperatives. Towards a new paradigm of collaboration for the new generation".
Greek and foreign experts, from Europe and the United States, partners and researchers, shared knowledge and experiences in order to form a new platform for designing competitive cooperative schemes, which through their operation will be tools of development for the industry and the country as a whole.
For more information visit the conference website.